About the Candidate for Berowra

Roger Woodward is the independent candidate for the federal seat of Berowra. Both Roger and the entire team behind his campaign are guided by simple values: democratic principles, social equality, fiscal responsibility, and a fair go for families as well as his objectives of reducing interest rates and cutting taxes.
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Equal Pay and a Fair Go for Families

We believe that all Australians should feel equal, be equal, and be paid equally. If elected, we will fight to close the pay gap that still exists between men and women in 21st century Australia.

Taking money out of the pockets of hard-working Australian families is not the way to get the country’s finances in order. 

Bringing Financial Responsibility to Politics

Here at the Roger Woodward campaign, we believe that Australian politicians could do with a lesson in financial responsibility. As a chartered accountant Roger Woodward understands how to manage the economy for the benefit of everyone. Certainly better than Julian Leeser, who cost the taxpayer $324 665 on top of his generous salary and those of his office staff in financial year 2016-17.

On our website you will find completely transparent accounting of how all campaign money is spent. Once elected, this practice will continue, so that the public can hold us accountable for exactly how their money is spent.
For any queries or to get involved, call 0418 522 812
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